Psychology FAQ
Will I Receive a Medicare or a Private Health Insurance Rebate When I See a Psychologist?
– Medicare –
If you have a referral from a GP for a Mental Health Treatment Plan you will be eligible to receive a Medicare rebate of approximately $129.55 (for a clinical psychologist) and $88.25 (for a general psychologist) per session for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. Note that Medicare updates the rebatable amount every year and this is accurate as of January 2022.
For more information about Mental Health and Medicare from Services Australia click here
– Private Health Insurance –
If you have private health insurance that includes psychological counselling as extras cover you may be eligible for a partial rebate. It is recommended that you contact your individual insurance provider for further information about your individual coverage.
– How Will I Know Whether I am Eligible for the Medicare Rebate? –
You will need to make an appointment with your GP who will assess whether you are eligible for a Mental Health Treatment Plan. A Mental Health Treatment Plan will enable you to claim a Medicare rebate per session for a maximum of ten sessions per calendar year.
To be able to claim the Medicare rebate for your session you will need to bring a copy of your Mental Health Treatment Plan to your first appointment with your psychologist.
Do I Need a Referral to See a Psychologist?
No, you do not need a referral. You can make an appointment with a psychologist without a referral from your GP or a psychiatrist. If you decide to do this you will need to pay the full amount for your sessions out of your own pocket.
Do all Psychologists assess and treat the same concerns/presentations?
Psychologists specialise in various areas. Some psychologists may assess, diagnose and treat certain concerns that others don’t. They are trained in a variety of treatment techniques but may specialise in treating certain disorders or working with certain populations.
Is it really awkward to see a Psychologist?
It shouldn’t be – but that doesn’t mean you won’t feel nervous or apprehensive beforehand. That is totally normal. The first step in meeting with a practitioner is for them to help you feel comfortable and at ease once you meet them. Our practitioners understand that more often than not you may be nervous and not sure what to expect from a Psychologist. Discussing personal issues can be confronting and our practitioners encourage you to take your time as it is important that you feel comfortable. Part of the therapeutic journey is focusing on problem solving and assisting you to move forward. If you want, self-care practices such as deep breathing and meditation can be practiced during your session.