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Child Health Check

in Cranbourne and Croydon

As a parent you want to make sure your children are seeing the best doctor for them, and building that ongoing healthcare relationship from a young age

What is a child health check?

A health check is an assessment of your child’s physical health. It includes their height, weight, hearing, sight and general wellbeing. These check ups happen throughout multiple ages in your child’s life starting from birth and up until they begin primary school – they ensure your child is healthy, fit and ready to learn when they start school.

How do I keep a record of my children’s health?

When your baby is born you will be given a Child Health Record booklet. Bring this with you every time you visit a clinic or hospital. This is used to record your child’s weight, measurements, vaccinations and other health information. We also recommend that you add details of any illnesses, accidents or medicines that your child has taken.

Why are child health check ups important?

Health checks are used to monitor how your child is growing and to check whether certain conditions are present so they can be treated. Your Child and Family Health Nurse or doctor will check your child’s hearing, vision, development, height, weight and head circumference, and will be happy to discuss the results with you 

When should my child have a health check up?

Health checks for your baby are very important, as this is when a doctor monitors how your child is growing and to check whether any conditions are present so that treatment can be arranged. Children’s health and development should be checked at:

After Birth

  • Maternity health services will usually support you with breastfeeding, adjusting to being a parent and caring for your baby.

1 to 4 weeks

  • Visit your doctor to get advice on feeding, becoming a parent and how to help your baby grow and develop healthily.

6 to 8 weeks

  • Your doctor will check and discuss your child’s hearing, vision, development, height, weight and head circumference growth.

4 months

  • Babies should receive their four month immunisations now.

6 to 9 months

  • Babies should receive their 6 months immunisations. Doctors can also check their weight, height, hearing, vision and oral health. This is also a time to discuss family health and wellbeing, being sun smart, how to avoid injuries, poisons information, how to develop and improve communication, language and play.

12 months

  • Your baby should now receive their 12 month immunisations. You may also discuss development and any other health or parenting concerns.

Child health checks should then occur at:

  • 18 months – for routine immunisations
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years – for routine immunisations

This is what we would recommend as a minimum. However, if your child has any particular health issues then you may need to make more regular visits.

When should I have my child weighed?

Babies are usually weighed regularly between 1 and 13 months, and when receiving vaccinations. If there is any concern about your child’s weight, then they may need to be weighed more often.

Where can I get more information about immunisations?

Babies and children have undeveloped immune systems compared to adults, so it is important to keep on top of their early life immunisations. The doctors who consult at HealthMint offer 6 week baby check and immunisations, as well as all childhood immunisations. 

Diet and Breastfeeding

There is plenty of support available for new mothers wanting to learn about breastfeeding. Have a read of this link to find out more information.

What do I do if I think my child has an allergy?

If you think your child is having an allergic reaction, and they are developing difficulty breathing, please immediately call 000. If you suspect your child may be allergic to something, your GP can arrange allergy testing and talk you through ongoing management and care for your child.

‘Being a doctor for children comes with it’s own unique set of challenges, as part of our role is in ensuring they are comfortable, relaxed and not scared of the environment. To have a successful therapeutic relationship, you first have to win them over and become their buddy.’ Dr Paul Tescher

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